Totally type A

I am very aware I am one, I work hard and efficiently, if there is a way to make my work even more efficient I will do it. I love my to do list very much, I will even make it into the 4 quadrant of importamt and urgent.  I find that is extremely helpful. Gosh, I did live without to do list for a day. And its completely chaotic with  no clear direction and ended feeling useless and ineffective.

I order my food with specific request it should be done. Lol. If it doesnt come out as how I imagined,I will not scold people I just make a point to.whoever is taking the order.

Talk about That, the other day I wanted to.order kuey teow goreng. There were  kuey teow goreng daging and kuey teow goreng bali. I was intrigued to.try the latter considering it has anusual name and so I asked  him " apa beza dua2 ni? "  he said :" satu daging"  I said, ok itu saya tau
 Bali ni.apa yang special?.. With.his " i dont know how to answer this face, he just said yang ni.ada taugeh " while pointing to.the obviously byk taugeh picture of it" ..
In.the end I gave up.. Ok.. Nevermind
 Just give me ktg bali..

My point is, I find it very annoying knowing that you know that your job is a waiter thatvsupposedly know whats on.the menu. At least have the effort to.say " maaf, tak pasti, jap.saya tanya tukang masak" ..

I also have this oversensitivity towards time
 I Get agitated if people purposely  come late for a meeting. Like hello, what was more important than.keeping your word? Other people time is also.precious..

Ended up, I will be early most of the time.

Lastly, I cannot sit around doing nothing..

Even now, as im.writing, im planning in my head first thing done tomorrow while thinking about how to solve some other problems im having...

Gosh sincerely hope future spouse is a guy who truly understands me and calms,my nerves. Cause I really need a charming, relaxed and sweet guy like that
. Hehehe. ( ok dah berangan pula) kikiki malunya...


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