I'm officially 27years old

Aug 28 of every year serves as a reminder of the day I was born.

This 2016, I was busy with a lot of programs on my birthday month. Everything is perfectly planned by God that I will have a break on my birthday.

I would say it is a sweet wonderful day for me. I started the day off with a quick run on the treadmill. Managed to run full 20 without stopping to walk. Yeayy  and it felt great, nothing painful, it was easy. Then I went straight to.the other machine to tone my arms and leg. And safely finished one hour session at the gym.

Right after gym, to cool the sweat off, I played some songs and a few favorite on my piano.. Wee. There went another hour.

Had breakfast with my sis and bil and checked out our potential new office. My sis btw, she bought me shirt that I would love to have. So kind and giving. In the 5 love language she scored highest in the act of giving. Meaning, showing love by giving.. So there, proven. Mine would be togetherness and act of service. I love to service people and I love spending time with people I love.
So, its pretty important to know this, if you would like to learn how to care for your loved ones. (go get the book).

As for celebration, I was not able to spend it with yos. Due to both not in a good shape currently. So I thought, I wanna buy something for myself,a handbag, something practical that I could use for the wedding and some other time. After spending 1 and  half hour, i finally bought me the perfect handbag..
Here is my photo with the bag..heee

To celebrate I went dining in a japanese restaurant and treat myself with brownies afterwards. I am used to it, celebrating alone. It gives me space to reflect on my life and people who are in them.

At night time, its my lp buddy wedding. Everything was perfect, I enjoyed the speeches, the songs and catching up with my lp group. Most importantly im happy for her, she has finally find The One. She is a bit like me, I meant she told me once I reminded her of her old self, no nonsense type very serious. And to see her ended up with a guy that looks completely in love with her makes me feel bubbly happy inside.
He is totally the opposite, life of  a party, funny.

I wonder if my future partner be that way too? Hehe. I could only hope and pray for the best. Lots of prayers wishing me good jodoh. Amin for that. I only hope it will happen only when I'm ready. I have so much more to improve spiritually and cooking skills. Cause I will give my best for him whoever he will be.

Nough bout jodoh, all in all I had fun and enjoyed my birth day very very much. Alhamdullillah. Hoping I'll keep improving o be a,better person. InshaAllah


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