busy birthday month

It's 12.43 am. And I am just lying on my bed getting ready to snooze.
I.just arrived home at 12 am from.picc.

We are hired to.be the graphic recording team for the blue ocean strategies conference. Kind of a big thing. We have been preparing since sunday. Honestly this is just one of the programs that I will supporting on my birthday month. The U.S team is doing another training and they personally requested me to be part of the team, so macamana pun I make it happen juga..  Sekali check. My task will only stops one day before my birthday and lucky me. InshaAllah I get to celebrate it. And close buddy in the leadership program is having her wedding reception that very same night. So Ill be going. ( should I or should I not look for a saree?) unfortunately i.am not allowed to bring a part. ( cakap macam ada)...

Sangatlah busy, facebook pun jarang jengah. Rasa tenang bila tak buka.
Kawan2 mesej pun reply gitu2 je
 marketing pun xjalan.sgt tapi alhamdullillah orang cari saya.

Sibuk2 jangan mengeluh, I see this as rezeki Tuhan nak bagi...

Hhuuuu kenyangnya tgh2 mlm.baru makan nasi tadi xsempat. Habislah nk tunggu 2 jam xdapat.. Im so doing cardio on thursday morning for this..

Ok patik sungguh lah mengantuk. Sekian journal.harini.

When u dont have someone to talk to. Imaginelah writing ni as if you are telling stories to people.

So.. Good night all! Im waking up at 5 am!


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