Minggu ini dalam sejarah

On the 10th of October, My 7th nephew was born. He has a rather a unique name when you translate it to english it would means, confirm a winner. It was my eldest sister's 2nd child after 9 years of giving birth to her first born.So I can only imagine how happy she is now. and also my parents.

I am also anxious for the baby to come out because I am excited to see that sweet little face. :)

Being in the same house with my sis, and seeing her went through the pregnancy and second time mother to a baby just makes me even more impressed with all the mothers in the world.. Imagine going through the morning sickness, mood swing, stressful situation, carrying a living creation in your amniotic sac, the back pain (Goodness Having period pain is one of the things I don't really enjoy having especially if it is paired with massive headache- not good not good), Having to always take care of she eats, activities she does, going though hours of contraction, pushing the baby out (ouchie), and in confinement food kena jaga, baby kena jaga, jaundice syndrome is common.

I am so lucky I have a mum that really knows how to take care of someone in confinement, even though I am not the one doing it, but I learnt a lot from my mum thanks to my interest in learning. I got to know what kind of food should we cook, what are the herbs required for the mum's herbal bath, bertungku guna daun apa, I am very very grateful. Cara masak pun mak ajar. Alhamdullillah, Tuhan Maha Pengasih dan Pemurah. We are so lucky to have such a mother.

Being a hypochondriac "a person who is abnormally anxious about their health". I am very concern of my sister and wellbeing, I tend to over worried about the jaundice, and her health condition. Sampaikan staff baru cakap, kak nad nanti dah ada anak mesti jadi mak yang terbaik.. sebenarnya bukan sebab itu, memang perangai terlampau risau kesihatan tu ada dalam diri sejak kecil lagi.  Taking from that I will of course ensure when it's my time to have my own, I think I will be extremely picky. LOL.. (kesian siapa si suami)  . no matter, I can always find my way, if he can't help me.. heeee..

Dah berminggu2 berturut2 kerja 7 hari, I haven't really have a proper rest. I sincerely hope I could have a good 8 hours sleep, Just in one of the upcoming nights. 

Now that my buddy is flying off to Canada tomorrow, I will took over the logistic again. As a speedy gonzales that I am I have already booked my team the room for next weekend bootcamp in JB. At least one thing handled. 

I have few more other stuff that needs taking care of, our new company audit and to register for another new company. This one would be a partnership with a friend's company to create learning materials for trainers. 

Sincerely hope I could get that done by next week.

Kalau diikutkan kerja memang tak akan habis. tapi itulah, saya ni sentiasa banyak perkara bermain di fikiran.

Lagi suatu perkara yang bermain di fikiran adalah tentang mainstream. Saya mendapati saya ada sesuatu pantang against mainstream culture. Saya akan teramat tak suka sesuatu jika ia menjadi mainstream.. contoh: selfie stick, tangkap gambar bajet2 cun tengok bawah, tengok tempat lain (ala2 model) saya rasa macam "kenapakah?" , running marathon yang semakin berlambak2, mula2nya excited nak join to test out fitness, jadi terus tak minat sebab telah menjadi mainstream, juga pantang tengok sharing yang sangat2 trending yang saya fikir " apa faedahnya semua ini?"... huu.. saya wonder if there is a syndrom for this.. I really do hate mainstream stuff. tak tau kenapa. I just do.

Wah banyak sangat cakapnya.. I should be sleeping now. Esok I will be attending Cold Email Marketing Workshop with hopes that I will be able to gain a lot to support in my company marketing strategy. InshaAllah.


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