
I was often misjudged by some men, close to me or those trying to check me out.
I wonder why. I thought I was just carrying a straight face all the time because I dislike cheesy stuff/flirting you may call it. And it's my protective mechanism cause my walls are so damn high. For good reasons. They read it as she is someone very high maintenance,perfectionist, only likes branded stuff, very high standard of the material stuff.. Ouh how wrong can they be.

I have yet to find a decent guy who sees me as how I am as person.

Firstly, I was not born in a rich family. So I am already used to being in a struggling family. For a start I have 6 siblings, Dad was a policeman and you know how little  they were paid then and to have 6 kids to support is just not enough. And that leads to our family business, I am so lucky, we, the family, are so lucky to have such a talented mum. she can cook and sew, and she cleans very well.

I still remember my mum started her food business since I was 4 because that was the time we got our loyal mazda white van. and I still remember the plate number. hehe. ( I just have good memories on some things, I really should be an investigator or something). We started by selling food from the back of our white van, at the police station, or if there is any festival, my dad will sell his drinks. and then we also rented a space in the nearby ipoh food court and jump around here and there between industrial areas. We often change places usually due to the "dengki" of some other food seller. Alhamdullillah my mum always cook delicious food and sell it at a very reasonable price. Her principle is bukan nak untung sangat nak bagi orang makan. which is very admirable. (I love my mum, teary eyes). and that made some other food seller to do stuff to my mum. not  good stuff. and my grandpa which was also a respectable, Tok guru back in my mum's kg, always asked her to change to different location everytime weird stuff starts happening after he helped my mum cleared off the weird stuff with the help of God of course.

Well, the relation to the headlines here is that, we have six siblings, each of us will have a specific task to do to help out our mum food business on a daily basis. hehe. Example are (I will write it in Malay cause it will gives more kick). Rebus cili kering, cuci plas nasi n soup (most hated due to the oiliness), kemas dapur, buat kerisik. and so much more. What I am trying to say here is that we have been taught to be independent since we were very  young. And we struggled for our school because all six of us went to Chinese School to get our primary and some till seondary education (that's me n my sis, we went till SPM). I actually was offered to go to MRSM after form 3 but I said no because I love my Extracurricular activities too much. hehe. I was very active then and won numerous medals for myself and the school. Oh well anyway, Studying in Chinese School was tad challenging because I felt like everyone was competing with each other. I have been fortunate enough to have always been in the first 3 classes. So I rarely experienced classmates with bad behavior. But the challenge in being in the first class of the form was that everyone was way too smart. Sometimes I wonder, why was I even in that class? hahahhaha. I'm not that smart, I just understood thoroughly a few topic that I chose to understand.. heee.but somehow I scored in exam and they moved me to the first class.

The hardship I went through being in my challenging family background, taught me a lot. To be fine with just whatever we have. Hence, to beat the misjudgement, NO! I DON'T CARE BOUT NO BRANDED ITEMS.
To me clothes are clothes, just because it has been sewn with a certain branded name, it became exquisite. Nahh, to me all are the same I don't even crave for expensive LV and whatever bag, all bags purpose are to carry or store our personal items. And I treat them all the same.

The misjudgement about I only eat at expensive places are too, very wrong, My mum was a hawker, and I am used to that kind of surrounding. Nope, I don't even feel slightest discomfort eating at a stall by the roadside. What I am truly concern, is the hygiene. That is all.  Kalau sedap, bersih confirm on. (It's a bit challenging here, cause to me, my mum's food are the best) hehe..

I only hang with a certain crowd. Ie: richer crowd. WRONG!!!!

I do have a lot of those friends/ acquaintances but I am close with them due to their attitude, it's always the attitude. And again, I am used to living a financially challenging life, so I don't choose friend, its about how good they are as a person. not how much money they make, because honey, friendship is way more valuable than any amount of money could buy.

Hee, There just my random thoughts on how some people seem to prejudge me before they really know me in person.

I appreciate a guy who can know me inside out,see me as I am and still love me for who I am. and don't treat me differently than they treat other people of they thought if different standards. I'm just a human being. just treat me like how you want people to treat you well. As simple as that.


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