
Showing posts from August, 2016

Digigit travel bug lagi

It's been 6 months since my last adventure. I'm now aching for another solo trip. I have a few places in my head to go to after september ends. Bali, jogja, phuket or oz. With my sister giving birth soon. I believe I might be a lot more busy. Really hope I could go somewhere, anywhere. I already have 2 confirmed plan next year. Vietnam with family and hiking mount kk with my sis n kota seriemas neighbours. Maybe next year I should really  make my solo europe travel trip a reality.. Hmmmm ( let's berangan2) its affirmation

I'm officially 27years old

Aug 28 of every year serves as a reminder of the day I was born. This 2016, I was busy with a lot of programs on my birthday month. Everything is perfectly planned by God that I will have a break on my birthday. I would say it is a sweet wonderful day for me. I started the day off with a quick run on the treadmill. Managed to run full 20 without stopping to walk. Yeayy  and it felt great, nothing painful, it was easy. Then I went straight to.the other machine to tone my arms and leg. And safely finished one hour session at the gym. Right after gym, to cool the sweat off, I played some songs and a few favorite on my piano.. Wee. There went another hour. Had breakfast with my sis and bil and checked out our potential new office. My sis btw, she bought me shirt that I would love to have. So kind and giving. In the 5 love language she scored highest in the act of giving. Meaning, showing love by giving.. So there, proven. Mine would be togetherness and act of service. I love to...

learning opportunity is everywhere. :)


Being real. Not fake, no image. I'm authentic because I have gone through a lot of personal development program. And it helps me in so many ways, I got all the jobs I was interviewed in. People connect to me better. I can sense when people are faking it no matter how much they tried to deny  Ouh well, who am I to judge people. I always love authenticity in a person. It makes everything a lot real, easy and fun. You know what I mean? :) Ps: Day 17 passed--- wish me luck

Female PMS is scary and sometimes uncontrollable

It's that time when you feel like biting everyone else's head off, throw everything, and sudden urge to clean and tidy up every single thing. everything look messy and you just want to scream. It's crazy. crazy feeling and you will tend to have an emotional roller coaster ride, especially if you are  already in one. it will magnifies the feelings even more.. Helllppp.

strong on the outside soft on the inside

I am known for someone that is strong, though people didn't realized I am pretty weak when it comes to feeling and emotions.. I cried easily, even for stuff like seeing kids or homeless people begging, watching bersamamu made me cry,watching animals abuse video, thinking about my mum n dad sacrifices before to brought all 6 of us up, of all the sins ive committed in this dunia, of how weak i am when it comes to moving on from the guy I love. I am pretty weak at all those. Come to.think of it, I suddenly thought of how incredible god's creation is; us, we are able to withstand all those sad phases in our life and still managed to get up strong and we go out again to face this world. SubahanAllah.. The Al-Mighty indeed is the greatest. Every single organism and units in this universe are controlled by the one and only.. Wow. Suddenly came to an awe. With that, though I'm soft on the inside and cry myself to sleep upon heartbreak. I know that I must be strong not just fo...

busy birthday month

It's 12.43 am. And I am just lying on my bed getting ready to snooze. I.just arrived home at 12 am from.picc. We are hired the graphic recording team for the blue ocean strategies conference. Kind of a big thing. We have been preparing since sunday. Honestly this is just one of the programs that I will supporting on my birthday month. The U.S team is doing another training and they personally requested me to be part of the team, so macamana pun I make it happen juga..  Sekali check. My task will only stops one day before my birthday and lucky me. InshaAllah I get to celebrate it. And close buddy in the leadership program is having her wedding reception that very same night. So Ill be going. ( should I or should I not look for a saree?) unfortunately not allowed to bring a part. ( cakap macam ada)... Sangatlah busy, facebook pun jarang jengah. Rasa tenang bila tak buka. Kawan2 mesej pun reply gitu2 je  marketing pun xjalan.sgt tapi alhamdullillah orang cari s...


I was often misjudged by some men, close to me or those trying to check me out. I wonder why. I thought I was just carrying a straight face all the time because I dislike cheesy stuff/flirting you may call it. And it's my protective mechanism cause my walls are so damn high. For good reasons. They read it as she is someone very high maintenance,perfectionist, only likes branded stuff, very high standard of the material stuff.. Ouh how wrong can they be. I have yet to find a decent guy who sees me as how I am as person. Firstly, I was not born in a rich family. So I am already used to being in a struggling family. For a start I have 6 siblings, Dad was a policeman and you know how little  they were paid then and to have 6 kids to support is just not enough. And that leads to our family business, I am so lucky, we, the family, are so lucky to have such a talented mum. she can cook and sew, and she cleans very well. I still remember my mum started her food business since I was ...

merepek merapu

Blake Lively is a Virgo, Blake Lively loves Baking, Blake Lively has a cute mole on her face. She's married to Ryan Reynolds  aka Deadpool I am a Virgo, I love Baking, I have a  mole on my face same spot. In other word, I need my own Ryan Reynold/deadpool. Merepek tahap maksima. Ngantuk amat after lunch. kerja tak habis, siap kiri, mula kanan. tak pun simultaneously buat dua2 at the same time, yet still tak siap. Bila involve 3rd party byk jadi lambat.. zzzzz. ok.. need coffee. The End. 


Sometimes it takes only one simple line from an article to get you snap out of your unrealistic dream and keep you back on track. I love how that simple line wakes me up from the seemingly impossible pathetic dream.  It's from the hufftington post  and the line is this. " You learn that you complete yourself just fine." And this is so true.. Yeay! This brings out the happy single lady within me.. yeehaa

Totally type A

I am very aware I am one, I work hard and efficiently, if there is a way to make my work even more efficient I will do it. I love my to do list very much, I will even make it into the 4 quadrant of importamt and urgent.  I find that is extremely helpful. Gosh, I did live without to do list for a day. And its completely chaotic with  no clear direction and ended feeling useless and ineffective. I order my food with specific request it should be done. Lol. If it doesnt come out as how I imagined,I will not scold people I just make a point to.whoever is taking the order. Talk about That, the other day I wanted to.order kuey teow goreng. There were  kuey teow goreng daging and kuey teow goreng bali. I was intrigued to.try the latter considering it has anusual name and so I asked  him " apa beza dua2 ni? "  he said :" satu daging"  I said, ok itu saya tau  Bali ni.apa yang special?.. With.his " i dont know how to answer this face, he just said y...


Am interested in working out, sweat crazily, I have this 2016 goals to get fit and,lose a few inches. I think i have made it. But now im addicted to all these fitness stuff. I just run on treadmill at the,gym for 57 minutes,  8.06 km... average speed 9mph.. Rather fast than my usual speed. I realized I let loose today. Because I have been eating lotsa open house food. And teh n nescafe tarik  Yikes!!! Tomorrow I feel like going for a hike at the hill nearby my house again. Tak puas hati haritu kejap je. 2 of my goals,reached, I still have my 2 songs to fully learn how and 11 forensic article to write 4 months left, possible? Errr

small steps is working.

I'm challenging myself to do this thing I called OPIG. And I think I'm doing pretty good.hehe. Praying that it will lasts a lot longer than previous attemp.this time, hopefully. I'm chasing happiness for my own emotional wellbeing, because of how I feel.  I do not want to count on people just so I can be in my happy mode. Happiness starts with me. :)