Intelligence is awesome

Maybe it is just my nature of loving facts and data.

To me it's a plus point if someone is well versed  on things they really are passionate of or not. ( those who can talk about anything)

I don't know many people that are so. I'm not sure if it's just my standard of evaluating people. But I do have a few friends that successfully reached that standard ( without them knowing) .. Tak mau cakap nanti kembang pula .. not to say that I don't make friends to those that are not, I mean everyone in my life brings different experience that I could learn from . I just like intelligent people.. it is an attractive quality to have..because I could exchange thoughts and have good conversations full with data, explanations on a certain theory... I can't describe how excited I am to have such friend.

haahh..Feel like writing tonight, just my way of expressing my thoughts and current feeling.. I have been working the whole day.. it's a crazy challenging week to prepare for the big crowd coming soon..

All I did these 2 days, go to work, set up, prepare training props till night, go back, shower and immediately sleep.

The End


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