Wow!! Seems like a century has passed. Ouh my . exaggerating much.

Let's see my last post was Oct,2013. Now is March 2016.

I have been through so much for the past 3 years.Wow!  I can't put into words. (Well, actually not, I am writing now).

Anyway, I shall just give a rough summary of what has happened in Year 2014, 2015 and this year.

Year 2014

I quit my first job as a claim handler after working there for only 6 months. well not really, 4 months training and 2 months of claim handling. It's not like the job is hard or something, I mean, I am actually quite a good claim handler. I usually will handle the report on time and willing to stay for a few more hours just to get the job done. It's just that the routine of rushing to work in the morning, punch in punch out, lunch, work, rush back home, have dinner and sleep. and doing them all over again bore the day light out of me. Then I realized I can't do routine stuff.. Right after that I actually got 2 offers for Master. One in UKM, One in UiTM.

I have chosen UiTM, though through some challenging times. For stuff I could not reveal online. Simply put, It was not the right time for me to do so I guess. I quit my Master in April 2015.

There were a few other remarkable events in year 2014. Like the 4 Months Personal Development Program I enrolled myself into. That was indeed my turning point to move from someone who is very afraid of taking risk, to someone who will just jump into action whenever there is a need to without thinking too much.. My very own theme that I got from the Program is "I'm a Brave, Risking and Powerful Woman". I carry this to every situation I am in. which have been tremendously helpful. I became someone I was not before, I gave feedback as I please, not to condemn but to improve, I became even more direct than I was before, I get things done, making sure the goals are reached.

I went to Perth, Australia for ten days with my friend. Wow, at first I don't even have the money to buy the flight ticket. But then the personal development I went through taught me " 100% Possible, 100% of the time".. So at that moment I don't have much money, but I just did whatever creative stuff  I can to earn the mons2.. and pay for the ticket. 2 months prior the trip, we received a bad news, The lecturer that has kindly offered us to stay at her house had an emergency and need to come back to Malaysia to take care of her father. My friend was somewhat devastated given her not so good condition then due to some personal matters. And I thought, okay this is a challenge for me.. YES! I CAN DO THIS. So I went googleing like a crazy scientist that will not quit until he/she finds a solution. And I managed to get us a very low price room (coincidentally, that host is a Malaysian, how lucky).
And so we went, I was lucky that I have my sister's friend there. She is a cook at one of the Malaysian Restaurant nearby where we stayed. She actually fetched us from the airport and let us crash at her place until it's time for us to check in.

First experience sleeping during winter with no heater.. OMG.. 4 layers of blankets can't even keep us warm. we even had to wear our gloves to sleep. Eventually, we fall asleep somehow due to exhaustion.

Well macam2 pula nak cerita. Anyway, Perth went well, took a lot of nice pictures and tasted a lot of good food too. itu yang penting di dalam buku naadiah.

Paling best, Kayuh basikal then bawa masuk train, and kayuh ke pantai. oh bestnya perasaan.. Mula2 tu adalah juga berangan nak berenang in the sea. tapi tengok ombak dia macam saya bakal dipukul ombak je. So terus cross that thought off the list.

Enjoying the Blue Sky on the wonderful green grass as my bed.. Kingspark WA


Started the year great. Tuhan bagi peluang untuk mengerjakan umrah pada usia yang agak muda. Alhamdullillah. I went there with my parents. For Good reason. I really love the feeling I had in Madinah. Masjid Nabawi is only walking distance from our hotel. I felt so grateful that it was not far because I saw some other people from country I am not sure of, had to walk quite far and cross somewhat dangerous busy road.  I enjoyed myself walking with my mum every single waktu solat, we would go to the masjid. did all the solat sunat. Doakan semua yang terbaik dan sampaikan doa orang-orang lain juga. My principle. tolong je orang. never kedekut. a prayer is not hard to do pun.
Sesampai Makkah, for ladyish reason, I couldn't join them for the first umrah. Too bad. The second day. My mum fall sick to the point of not able to stand up, eat or do anything. I was super worried. I mean seeing your mum lying there hopelessly sick. Anyone would be worried.  So mulalah kekreatifan saya datang, jalan sorang2 kat makkah, cari bubur masak dalam kettle je.. hehe. and then kakak2 setrip bagi serunding, barulah mak nak makan. bila mak nak makan tu, baru lah lege rasenye(sebutan perak ye please).

Ouh gosh, I just can't forgot the moment when we took the cab, to bring my mum to the hospital, and then pushing he wheelchair with her on it. Bawa mak pergi masjid, solat kat luar je. My dad was not really around since he was busy doing his thing. So I was the one who took care of my mum. (Just like how my mum was the one who took care of me when I was a kid). I love every single moment of it. Pasal doa tu tak payah cakap lah almost all the time, I prayed for her quick recovery. Kerisauan tu saya tak tahu macamana nak describe. Well, God is great, dah nak habis trip, saya diberi kebenaran untuk menunaikan UMRAH, Yang sangat bersyukurnya ada satu group kakak-kakak yang join tour sekali tu banyak sangat tolong saya. ada sorang tu siap bawa saya go through the step. Alhamdullillah akhirnya berjaya juga saya buat. Saie tu macam boleh kurus lah rasanya berpeluh2 juga jalan.. :) tapi semuanya pun saya suka.

Not long after that, another trip to Bandung in March 2015, I went there with my Matriculation best gals..Well, interesting enough, in this trip there were a total of 5 of us. Guess who is the planner of everything? None other than me!. As usual, saya ni pantang mula google, susah nak stop.  We went there for only 3 days 3 nights. I managed to get ourselves two very reasonably priced places and a very good supir. all in less than 400 je tau termasuk tiket, tempat tinggal dan supir. To me it was an easygoing trip. I laughed a lot of course.. Here is a picture of us on top of the shopping place yang I lupa nama.

HAHA.. To be honest the next few lines is about another trip. But this one I went with my Yoshie.
It's funny how as we grow old, we got matured and we fought less. I think the both of us can feel it. I'm actually very proud of her. She is like so so kind and all considerate and kind. hehe. Me and Yos went to Langkawi in Sept, 2015. It was a really random plan. like we decided in just 2-3months liddat. But ended up being one of the more relaxed vacations. Don't get me wrong, my analysing self was still there, just that that round I was more relaxed and go with the flow stuff. That actually felt quite good. ( The very organized Naad letting go - yeehaa). Anyway, the trip went really well. We did all the beacchhyy not bitchy stuff.. haha ( bitching bit yes of course).. First day we went to a literally  had candle light dinner. Instead of a real partner, we had each other as our partner bak kata yos, sister before mister. Ouh god, Since I am already spoiled with fine dining. So we tried whatever that seems nice cukup dengan appetizer, main course and dessert la katakan. We have agreed to take turn to pay the bill for the 3 days there. so it was good. (ohh ohh, I forgot to mention that we had the dinner by the beach while enjoying the sunset, hahhh dream came true)..

We actually terbooked our stay at a place quite a distance from the town, so we ended up walking half and hour back to our stay everyday once all are done. But it was good for us, it's like we burn back some of the calories we gained when we were out cause we ate a lot and drink a lot too. haha. both of us are coffee lover so. yeah.

Summary what we did there:
Jalan2, tak shopping sangat, jalan by the beach,  cafe hopping, (ada orang tu kena ngurat), island hopping, snorkelling, hiked to the bridge lol saya rasa semua orang tertipu, ingatkan nak ke bridge tu senang. rupanya, kena hiking, nasib baiklah both of us are physically fit. so we enjoyed the fat burning process. haha.

Yosmetha and myself at the yellow cafe dan kenapakah tangan saya macam nak jual emas or jam walaupun tak ada pun

2015 was overall, yet another amazing year for me and my company. we got our first million.. wooohooo. Hard work paid off!

2016 Japan Trip. 

Haha Trip ni kelakar. First time nak travel solo. Punya lah banyak benda difikirkan. Beli tiket pun satu per satu sebab tak sure date punya pasal tapi apa pun. Sangat berterima kasih kepada dua sahabat UKM yang banyak membantu saya. Since both of them are quite familiar with Japan. Anyhow, I don't want to type so long about this trip. There are few things that I realized during the trip. 

The most shocking one is probably, I  think I'm ready to get married. OMG... WHAT. .. Naadiah yang selalu dengar lagu beyonce about independent woman, woman power bla3 dah ready nak ada pasangan?? ..  oh no lah. It was just a feeling. I think I'm ready to open up for possibilities. I have been blocking all sorts of men after that scary experience with my ex. The energy flows where the intention goes they say. Well, I'm really picky when it comes to men, I just hope that I will one day find a good man to be my other half, the one that I can spend my whole life with. The one yang I know who will have my back when I need him and I will have his when he needs me.. Mutually helping one another stuff. ewah2.. (terlebih sudah)

Well, sebenarnya, jalan2 sorang ni seronok sebab boleh jalan dan makan ke mana saja tanpa perlu tunggu orang lain. sebab saya ni agak the flash orangnya.. haha.. Saya suka explore different places, admiring the scenery, "talk to the nature" gitu. just absorbing the fresh air of the different places, admiring the awesome architecture they have there. wowzers!! asyik tangkap gambar bangunan je saya. tapi bila banyak jalan sorang2 rasa lonely tetiba, sungguh jarang ye saya rasa macam ni sebab selalunya saya akan tersembang dengan orang yang saya jumpa on the road tak pun ketawakan benda2 yang lucu di sekeliling saya.  (kuat perhatikan orang saya ni)

Kedua, there is no harm in being polite to everyone. Something I am very much in love with, with Japan culture, they are very good in customer service and extremely helpful. They will go to all length to help you find the direction. 

Ketiga, Saya rasa saya macam boleh jadi tour guide.. HAHAHAHAHA (Perasannya).. Tak ada lah. since I love to talk and learn about other people culture and history, Why not? As a start, tour guide untuk family saya sendiri dulu.. 

Keempat - Considering I'm staying at an apartment by AIRBNB so I got the chance to talk to the host. We had a great conversation biasalah saya ni banyak tanya soalan. and I found out a lot from that too. Punya suka cara they all cakap sampai saya rasa nak belajar cakap bahasa jepun. 

Okay lah keseluruhannya, saya pergi Osaka Castle area, Dotonbori, Umeda Sky Building, Ferris Wheel, Shin Shi Baishi Shuji, Tennoji Zoo, Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kyoto town, Philosopher Walk, Kobe town, Mt. Rokko. 

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kyoto

Alright, That is all I want to share tonight. I think I'm running out of ideas already.. haha.

Until Soon.

Goodnight everybody.


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