A woman's worth

Just recently, a friend of mine approached me seeking for advice on her relationship situation. I chuckled to myself I am no expert because I'm having trouble in that department myself.Yikes!!. Anyway, I did my best to support her on making decision. Giving her options and let her see what's possible. and to prepare for consequences. You see, when it comes to your heart, sometimes the brain can't really function well. Dang! it hits me again.

This is so me! oh my god!

I'm a pretty careful, cautious person. and analyse my every step before anything. But when it comes to love, I become somewhat dumb/ I put my analytical self aside. To me if you already feel it down to your bone, that's something sincere and pure. Anyway, this post is not about me, I actually wanted to talk about women empowerment IN love.

Having been in a few relationships myself, I learned quite a lot, the ups and downs of it. Some learning I got from my past relationships are:

Always, always love yourself before loving the other half. Cause trust me, if you gave out all your love to the other person, and when all the sweet time is gone, there is a high chance of you crumbling down hard. And it is not a good state to be in. Almost self deteriorating.

Self-Worth  - It is really important for a lady to keep this close to her. Only by having this, you will not lose your authentic self. Never become too accommodating to your partner that you ended up making all the effort in a relationship. It can be pretty tiring you know. If he ain't doing a good job, you know that it's time to say good bye and find someone who really cares about you.

Never get too attached -  Yup as hard as it may be, you just got to have some distance/ space/ whatever you call it, this will do good for the both of you. You two deserve to have your own time. (Honestly: constantly being together can be boring- to me at least.. hee).
Do what you always do when you are single, shop, mani and pedi, movies. Use this time to reflect on your life, on things that matter to you aside from the relationship you are in.

Always Be Independent -  Lucky for me, I have an independent streak, To me, whatever man can do, I can. I have always love to be independent. It's just how I am and being that helps me when I was in a relationship. Sometimes,you got too swept away with love and keep thinking that your man will do everything for you that you became lazy, but when he is not there, you seem to lost it. You can't hardly do anything much. Now, that is not something appealing for a lady to be seen having.
I mean, we are all are gifted with our brain, hands and legs, Make use of those. Be creative, it will certainly help you to go through almost anything in life. (Been there done that)

I would like to take this opportunity to share this great lyrics from Songs by Alicia Keys.

"A Woman's Worth"

You could buy me diamonds 
You could buy me pearls 
Take me on a cruise around the world 
Baby you know I'm worth it 
Dinner lit by candles
Run my bubble bath 
Make love tenderly to last and last
Baby you know I'm worth it 

Wanna please wanna keep wanna treat your woman right 
Not just dough but to show that you know she is worth your time 
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first 
She will and she can find a man who knows her worth 

Cause a real man, knows a real woman when he sees her 
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her 
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first 
And a real man just can't deny a womans worth 

Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm 
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm 
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm 

If you treat me fairly 
I'll give you all my goods 
Treat you like a real woman should 
Baby I know you're worth it 
If you never play me 
Promise not to bluff 
I'll hold you down when shit gets rough 
Cause baby I know you're worth it 

She walks the mile makes you smile all the while being true 
Don't take for granted the passions that she has for you 
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first 
She will and she can find a man who knows her worth 

Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her 
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her 
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first 
And a real man just can't deny a woman's worth 

No need to read between the lines spelled out for you (spelled out for you) 
Just hear this song cause you can't go wrong when you value (better value) 
A woman's (woman's) 
Woman's (woman's) 

Love this song, because I think all women deserve to be loved by the right person.


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