Feedback, reflect, journaling

The training that I have been working so hard  on in terms of props and preparation with the help of my group finally ended today. breath of relief for a while.

In training, I believe that there is always something we can learn from everyone regardles if you are playing the role as a participant or the training team..I realized ( though I know journaling is good but never really practice it) I should journal more. see, when you journal your thoughts, emotions,you will start to notice things that are happening around you, to engage on your emotion towards a certain event, to explore further on the untapped potential you have within you and started to decide what action or steps to be taken next ..

Therefore I should really take effective actions to ensure that I am aware of where I am in this stage of my life, what is next, what could be better in my current work, personal life. I mean, I'm not getting any younger, simply going through life without proper future projection simply wouldn't do just to my future family.

Other than being aware of myself and my surrounding.

I know that good honest feedback is really helpful in helping me grow.
I was given a good feedback by my bestfriend on moving on. ( Despite I'm still not 'really' willing to let go) on some things in life. I need to always be reminded with the truth in order for me to move forward with my life.

I'm still doing my best on the moving on part. When I found something that is almost perfect but it was shown to me somehow that it was not meant for me. The tendency to consider trying to work things out is always there, though there is a very small percentage in my heart saying that it would'nt work out .

I guess time will tell. Things will unfold. I just need to be patient and see how things go.

So there you go, area that I'm focusing on today is on journaling and feedback.

I'm a normal human being, I do want to continuously improve myself to be better than I was yesterday. To keep giving the best to everyone around me. By best, I mean 100% of me. Always serve, be present, committed and responsible.


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