something that is me

I'm the kind who is good in intrapersonal skill. I'm aware of what's happening to me and always ponder upon them whatever they maybe.. Well in this not so cool day.. I think quite a lot, while accomplishing multiple task at work.. These are the things that are just me:

1. I don't like to be reminded of things I already know. To me, that can be extremely annoying to the point of I would distance myself from whoever that was doing it.. ( It's like I know, why the need of repetition ) no need to stress on a certain.things too much..that gets me overwhelmed somehow.

2. I must have my alone time. Must to.the max. Or else I can blow up or burnt out.. So when I'm having my alone time, I don't like to be disturbed.

3. I believe in.having a work life balance. I believe in giving my 100% in both. Therefore you may find me work like crazy n give the best at home as well. I will always go back and help out my mum, cooking with her, chitchatting with my sis..I even.have a dream of becoming a Supermum and wife. I.would love to do a lot for my own family in.the future. It's fulfilling to me
.. XD.. Cleaning, cooking, baking and future ( sewing maybe).. Hehe.

4. I super love science. Like major. I can talk about science non stop. In fact I'm passionate in science. I have this burning instinct inside of me that say that I'm belong in this field.. I am so looking forward to.the opening for master this coming august in forensic. I believe, you will do the best in things you are passionate about.. (hah, even.talking about this makes me jump happily inside)... I love understanding the theory, and applying it in real life situation to test it out.. Wow seronok..

5. I have few ways of doing things that others may find weird n.tedious. I have my way of doing laundry, whoever touches my laundry n messed it up are really going to get a long bebelan from me.. Like SOCKS ARE NOT SUPPOSED to be mixed with normal clothes..imagine the sweat from the foot feet stuck in between.your shirt.. Not really hygienic isn't it?

6. What mine is mine, if u need to.use it please ask first. I'd go berserk if my stuff is gone. Cause I always take a good care of my stuff, n i expect people to have the same respect towards my stuff..

7. Yeah. When I drive a car, I'm totally focus. On the journey. I might not hear what people around me say. Sometimes, too focused i even ask people to shut it.. Lol.

8. I hate too sweet.of a dish or drinks and too oily or fatty food. My friend once said I demotivates her by saying kuey teow goreng is oily just when she was about to eat it. . I was actually talking to myself. Wonder why she felt offended.. Hmm..

Ouh my, sounds so.serious right.
Well the other side of me is the random n quite funny part.. I love to laugh random stuff. Like i couldn't help.myself i couldn't keep it to myself, i.just say whatever that crosses my mind even though to others it might sounds weird n awkward.. Hehe..

Well, that's me.. There are a lot more actually just that tonight these are the only thing i could think.of..heee

Its been.a mind tiring day, for the first time ever, I don't want to.think.or do.any work related stuff at night
.I just want N resting I am.


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