Alone Time

It is saturday. And I have decided since the night before I want to go to the movies ( I even planned for my.morning workout routine, n timing in my head and as usual.everything went as planned). I  want to have my alone time again. After such a crazy  2weeks at work..this week everything ended very well..I was happy for so many reasons. I realized "denial is the enemy of the truth" quote from.the movie I watched called Redha..And so I did what I thought was right and I never felt happier.. whatever this thing is which I don't intend to share it with the world.. It makes me happy.. And I would love to keep it that way. I cannot have too much of it nor too little of it.. The right amount will do just to keeping me content.

A friend of mine that I happened to become kinda close  with.. i can say, shared something about  following the flow and process and do not push or rush something. Fear the passion and excitement of it might burnt out makes me think a lot about the very thing that is making me happy.. Now I realized, maybe all those bad experiences were due to my character that inclined towards rushing things and getting it done and over with. Maybe that's why things fell apart.. It hits me that I might be putting my one of my source for happines in jeopardy if I keep doing that. So from now on, I'm just going to keep it cool and follow the flow.. Not saying it's going to be easy because it's not my nature, but practice makes perfect right?

On another note, I went to the movies to watch 2 movies, redha and jungle book.. Watching these two clearly has proven that I can be quite emotional.. I cried in both. For good reasons. When you relate yourself to a certain part of the movie, you will automatically feel.what they are feeling. And connect. That's when the tears start running down your face. I don't want to share the details of the movie . Spoiler is never fun..But the learning I got are "Parent's  love is the greatest, they might not show it, but we can.feel it from their action" hence always appreciate them. 2. Learn that perfection can be found in imperfection in other words, always see the good side of people.
3. You can.find joy anywhere you are welcomed in even though you are different... Be with those who make you happy and bring the best

Sitting alone in.a crowded restaurant filled with couples, families and friends at their respective tables made me realized, I'm fine doing this on my own. In fact,I feel.happy seeing everyone else is enjoying their company. I know it sounds weird, but that is just how it is.

Wow, I typed a lot tonight.. Well, just want to express my gratitude. On such simple day, yet there were so many learnings to take away..for that I'm blessed.


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