Before 30

Dear oh dear. This is a really hot topic among malays in malaysia. Yup. Over here, some people still believe that a lady should get married before 30.

So they say, if you get married early, you will have more kids and jangan jadi anak dara tua.
As a matter of fact a lot of my friends are already happily married. have kid after kid. Hmm, I'm just not really drawn into that so soon.

There are many reasons for why I said that:

1. I'm not financially really stable yet (up to my standard at least). I think I should have enough to cover for whatever needed in such commitment.

2. I have not found the right person yet. A lot has happened to the women surrounding myself and also myself, somehow I have build/ create a checklist when it comes to choosing man,. The " what to avoid" list. I'm very cautious in a way.  (There was one past relationship that turned so bad, that I feel like I should investigate a man like a convict, before proceeding further- woww).

I realized I tend to analyze a guy if I found him interesting or has qualities to my liking. I know it's not really normal to do that, but it is just in me to analyze people. can't help it sometime.

Honestly, it is really hard to find good quality man these days, I wonder what happened. I like one that has his own ten years forward vision, living for a purpose, responsible and committed of course.tolerable, kind to both animal and people, fairly logic, independent, intelligent, has his own view on things but not righteous also, opened, have good integrity.
I used to have "reasonably tall" in my criteria, now I realized, that does not matter much.
Oh yes, Funny is a plus point cause I dearly love to laugh (a lot).

3. Early marriage doesn't mean happy marriage, in-fact a lot of young couples ended up divorcing when life gets too hard. I don't want to end up being in such a marriage. Hence, I'm very careful about my choice. It's better for me to experience someone, know them thoroughly and somehow "test" them just to see how they react under such circumstances.

4. Work. work. (okay, I know this is just my lame excuse). Okay on a serious note, I believe a lady should have her own life before marriage, there is so much to do and explore, better myself in a certain department to ensure I'd make a good wife and mum -hehe-, keep doing those until I feel somewhat lonely and ready for this serious committed stuff.

I think that is all. I simply don't understand why do people keep trying to match-make me with people I don't even know. recently especially, 2,3 people are trying to get me connected with a guy/ guys they think I may like. However, I declined all (politely).

I mean, I know what I want, and I can get what I want myself. So I sincerely hope people will stop doing so.

Those that know me well know that I can't be forced into liking things I dislike, or else my mood, face will turn as sour as the pure lemon juice. and I'm not kidding.

The whole marriage before 30 thing, just doesn't apply to me. Unless if things really meant to be, then I shall not defy


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