Baking - My new found passion

I'm still learning to bake. But it's something I always look forward to doing.
It's so easy and yummy. Most importantly when it's homemade, I get to choose what I want to have in the mixture of course, no preservative needed or extra sugar is no no..

All my products that came out from the baking are so far so good and less sweet. Naadiah's signature I called it. Cause I hate sweet like.. extremely hate it. hehe.

Well this late afternoon I'll be baking banana chocolate muffin using greek yogurt and honey as a healthier alternative. I'm so excited and looking forward to the final result. How it will taste, smell like? eeeep.. happy me.

okay. I will share the recipe in the future.

I am thinking of enrolling myself into a baking class if not I will just use pinterest and youtube as my source of information.

I'm happy.


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