Need Recharging

I am officially tired, fatigue. Today is my final day of a full 7/days a week job, for the past 4 weeks.. As much as I love to work, I do believe in getting enough rest. I know I'm currently completely exhausted cause I can't think straight anymore
 My brain has been working hard, so does my tummy. All 3 parts of them.  the duodenum, jejunum and ileum from
 All the food I took when in need of adenosine triphosphate for physical.use or for neuron transmission cause I think a lot. Well eventually we do need a lot of ATP  to do a lot of other things. It all relates, the CNS system is one of the most amazing system i have ever known. Tak boleh stop bila cakap pasal sains ni..

Anyhoo, I decided to again go watch a movie alone..cause im kinda introverted, i love to spend time alone, its my way of recharging, be it hiking, running, swimming, shopping.. I do mostly by myself.

Today im watching jack reacher, last i watched when i was still in uni.
For some reason, I love actions and car chasing scene.. I always imagine mysrlf as a cia agent and fight off bad people. Lol.. (my deepest darkest secret is no more)
Haaa itu je nk ckp di hari.yg sgt memenatkan ini. Mata sembap muka bulat.omg

Ok toodles!!


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