
Showing posts from October, 2016


Is it rare to stay loyal to someone you like/love? I realized these banyak kekurangan sifat tersebut. Selamba dek melayan orang lain walaupun dah kahwin.. Feel like there is a,lacked of common sense on how their partner would be thinking/feeling. I for one think that being loyal is important. For the past few relationships I had, I am always dead serious and committed to my then partner. Somehow, they were notas serious as they claimed. I will always aim for a legit tie whenever  am in a relationship.. Lol.. I am not one who play games or having  bf for the sake of having one. I took relationship seriously. I guess they just find me intensed in that sense. Oh well, now I know I can't really trust man's words.. After a few disappointments, I am not ready for another one. Next time it will be a serious one hopefully. I am not getting younger, for sure I don't have time for game. You are either in or out.. There is no in between..

Berperasaan pelik

Tak sedap hati, gerak hati, petunjuk? hmm peliknya perasaan. malas nak fikir. go away feelings. I don't like to be in this mode. A lot of job done. But somehow, somewhat it always there in my mind. why is it still there? it has been months, why can't it just go away? kadang2 tak tenang dibuatnya, keep praying to be removed if it's not destined to be so. But why is it still here. Kepelikan.

Need Recharging

I am officially tired, fatigue. Today is my final day of a full 7/days a week job, for the past 4 weeks.. As much as I love to work, I do believe in getting enough rest. I know I'm currently completely exhausted cause I can't think straight anymore  My brain has been working hard, so does my tummy. All 3 parts of them.  the duodenum, jejunum and ileum from  All the food I took when in need of adenosine triphosphate for physical.use or for neuron transmission cause I think a lot. Well eventually we do need a lot of ATP  to do a lot of other things. It all relates, the CNS system is one of the most amazing system i have ever known. Tak boleh stop bila cakap pasal sains ni.. Anyhoo, I decided to again go watch a movie alone..cause im kinda introverted, i love to spend time alone, its my way of recharging, be it hiking, running, swimming, shopping.. I do mostly by myself. Today im watching jack reacher, last i watched when i was still in uni. For some reason, I l...

Minggu ini dalam sejarah

On the 10th of October, My 7th nephew was born. He has a rather a unique name when you translate it to english it would means, confirm a winner. It was my eldest sister's 2nd child after 9 years of giving birth to her first born.So I can only imagine how happy she is now. and also my parents. I am also anxious for the baby to come out because I am excited to see that sweet little face. :) Being in the same house with my sis, and seeing her went through the pregnancy and second time mother to a baby just makes me even more impressed with all the mothers in the world.. Imagine going through the morning sickness, mood swing, stressful situation, carrying a living creation in your amniotic sac, the back pain (Goodness Having period pain is one of the things I don't really enjoy having especially if it is paired with massive headache- not good not good), Having to always take care of she eats, activities she does, going though hours of contraction, pushing the baby out (ouchie),...