Parenting is a huge responsibility

Even the word parent brought about heavily important vibe
  Being a parent is not just about feeding the child, but also shaping the being of a child, their personal growth.

What triggers me on writing about this even though I am not yet married is the trainings I have assisted recently. I heard a lot of sharing on how kids don't like their parents for forcing them into doing things they dislike and some other rather unpleasant stuff which made me realized it is extremely important to start shaping the kid at their early age.

For an example: to live life knowing the existence of choices and being responsible of it, to speak up their opinion the appropriate way, to be committed, compassionate, empathetic of other people, being rational, and always giving the flexibility to again- their choices. At the end of the day, it's their life not ours. Well honestly to me, letting the kids be happy doing stuff they love is better than having the kids feeling stressed, depressed and angry towards the parents for forcing them doing stuff they dislike..

Again, I  am fortunate and I believe God is showing me how important it is to be a good parent as well as friend to the kids.

I know me being me which can be rather serious and strict, I should start be more flexible and understand the kids point of view. Because I would love to give the best for my own kids some day.

And for that I also need one hellova husband who is as supportive and concern about the kids welfare and emotional wellbeing as I would be.

Additional points, being a mazlani, my kids will.of course go to chinese school, to be independent, im not treating them to a lot of goodies and definitely will never reward them with material too often. And If they need anything, they must earn it.

One more thing is to be aware of what house chores is all about and teach them about it as soon as they are big enough to.think. ( i even thought of a cute shorter basin for them) ok dah berangan lebih..

I should sleep now mata macam.pankda termenangis dlm mimpi yg sungguh.heartbroken sampai qab tegur, kenapa mata hitam? Huhu. Ok. Its been a long day.

Night n until soon


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