Live, Love, Laugh =)

 Assalamualaikum everyone.. Moga-moga semuanya sihat2 sentiasa.. Well it is just another friday, I will have day off on friday 4.30pm to be specific (btw : Did I mention that I've started working back in 2 months ago). Just doing training  now. Soon will be attached to the department they found me most suitable at. 

It's been a while since last I updated this blog. I think around like ever since October last year. A lot has happened since then.. I was hurt again for the 3rd time. I can still remember what a complete pain I was in. Of course when you love and trust someone THAT much and they break every single thing that they've promised before, it feel like you're jumping into a free fall without a bed/support underneath to catch you. 

Everywhere I went, I literally broke down and cried. In the car while driving, the movies, every mall..It was such a nightmare for me. My heart was torn, blended to make it easier to understand how it felt. I loss weight, I don't have any appetite, My heart keeps racing, I became restless, insomniac, you name it. To add to the pressure, the proposal presentation was just around the same time I was facing those. To be honest during the presentation, I don't have any feelings while all my friends were nervous about theirs. And my head was thinking about only one question.. WHY ? WHY? And so I did my solat hajat a couple of time, and Allah is indeed the greatest, showed me and revealed the truth about a man I thought I knew. Of course, I was shocked and did not believed it at first, but one investigation after another, I relate this and that.. I finally told myself, 'naadiah you have been betrayed'.. No matter how bitter it is to swallow, I finally manage to accept that fact. It took me so many months to finally told my parents about it because they somehow were hoping something great for us to happen.. Turns out there isn't going to be any. 

NEVERTHELESS..... After  all of those sorrows I manage to get soo many support from my close friends (bless them).. They always encourage me to move forward move on. Even some dedicated a few song selection for me.. hihi.. Anyhow, I can say that I'm a much stronger woman now, I don't buy craps that people talk about me, I don't trust people that much, I became very outspoken ( also thanx to one month part time working with my sis which we have debrief and grounding everyday). I simply put I became a bit cold when people especially men tried to approach me. 

WHAT MADE ME FEELS GOOD WAS the fact that I opened myself to new things, I met a lot of new friends (international students from china), I learnt how to swim, I do a lot of part-time to fill up my boring weekends... I scores well in my final exam ( the best ever in UKM if I minus my 4flat during first year 3rd sem..hihi)... I really kick my butt studying to achieve great result. I enjoyed my life even better. I don't cry much anymore. I'm happier now.. Very much happier.. 

EVENTHOUGH I do met a new someone along the way, but when I found that it isn't really working, I chose to end it ( for sake of saving heart breaks) plus it is too early to be in a relationship when we know they aren't really ready for it. 

I started to see life differently... I enjoyed running in the rain, smiling to myself in the train, laughing loud to my favourite sitcom, making jokes and make others feel entertained, loving my cats...Basically just living my life to the fullest.. I just passed 24 last august. And to me it's a little too early to think about relationship for now. There is so many things I can focus on for example my work, my studies (sensing some master,phd, maybe :)), travelling to see different people, different places.. SO MANY THINGS TO EXPLORE... 

Well from now on, I will add a new principle in my life ' LIVE,LOVE LAUGH'.. 3 of the most basic things to make us feel content at all time.. =)

With that I end my extremeeeeeeeeeeeelyyyy long blog episode.. bye2.. Till then XOXO 


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