Boring week

 Hello3 has been a real boring week for me..for a start, my sis asked me to stop the digging for a while(well act i still do it)..and the new task for me is to search for song, old song..the one that can get people to get up and prance...
      When i get bored, i tend to think too much about stuff, like sometime my ex..erttt..that wasnt supposed to happened...hurm...tiny petty things.. a lot of something that makes me think sometime, is that when i look at my FB wall, i saw this person that i wish to forget picture in my friend list..urm, i wish could remove them but it just not particular reason for that..have u ever have the odd moment of yr best friend sorta speak,,didnt reply any of your text..hurm, that can be a bit frustrating..but then who am i to talk about that...
        I'm very curious of people who talk bad stuff about other people while they themselves isnt any good..ive a very close example..I xknow how to like actually tell them that it is not good to do that, but then i know that if did tell them, they'll scold back saying stuff like 'well the bla3 is way worse and stuff' which leads to further badmouthing..i xreally know what to do about that..Any idea how?
      I aint got much to say, its been a boring week anyways..not so many story to glad my bz life will start again by this friday(driving class) ,sat n sun (training), monday (driving n motorcycling class) then tuesday the BIG TEST...JPJ TEST for both car and motor..seeing that im not doing really well in both, i really ought to practise more..
That is all i guess.. till then..


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