THAT makes trusting men harder than ever

Hi i havent been posting new post lately..yeah considering i was tied up with workshop, proposal writing and working at the same time...okay never mind heres the agenda behinds my main topic today..
TRUSTING MEN..(let me bold that just so you know how hard it is for me to do that)...

1.Ive been in a relationship twice and they treated me like u know what..i was under appreciated...sometimes
     i think i was the only one who gave much but get less...

2.. Only when i broke it off...they started to crawl back and beg for forgiveness..i mean o.O..u SHOULVE
     KNOWN BETTER... awal2 xnak jaga perasaan..skrg baru nak pujuk rayu... its true that some people
     said..when the ooing just started, theyll do almost anything to win the girl heart, but bila dah lama, bila dorg
     rasa 'ala, she loves me so much that she wouldnt go anywhere'..'nothing to worry about'...uhhh hello?? am
     i the only one that love n cherish 'this relationship'...

3. The happened, gosh...idk what was he thinking...we just knew one another...that one really
     add up to my lack of trust towards men...

4. The giving hope  guy -- i mean 'Dude, DECIDE'....that left me heart broken also...

HURMM.. i know i sound angry and upset now, but that really is what inside of me..making me it my fault that i couldnt find the right guy..well maybe it just not perfect that i can ask for any guy that i think is nice to be my special friend, we must have mutual understanding and respect one another,,, the way this goes, im not sure when will i actually be having a real guy that truly support me, guide me and becomes my best friend ...
Till then, if any of you that read this, and think u have any idea to like overcome the problem im facing let me know ya..u know whichh number to call aite?

thats all for now...
have a lovely evening people...:)


  1. "do let me know ya..u know whichh number to call aite?"

    yeah, i called it :3


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