short sem + works+ retreat = HOORAY

GREAT!!!! The exam is finally O.V.E.R.....ahaks....been wanting to go out and chill so badly..but still i havent do lots of things plan ahead....
1. short sem hurmm...will be having supposingly one month of it...but then since i was a bit unlucky with last semester result..ive to take hm with other set of students meaning more time needed...meaning more than one month but no matter , ill be needing extra time in UKM..cosidering ill be doing the next LIST below
2. RESEARCHER...yes you saw not bluffing...but its not really like sorta scientific  research which i also love dearly..well actually i work with my eldest sis her company..i mean her joining forces with her colleague...basically what ill be doing is to google for residential aassociation in klang valley for a start then expand to ngo and the whole country....then ive to dig on some old songs and new songs since their company will be coaching people of all ages...ahaha..isnt fun??? yes, i know....thats why i love my job..heehehe...
3....RETREAT...where? SUNWAY LAGOON people...we as in my jaksa team have been sorta talks about it..well in the first place were planned to go to an island,,,(redang, perhentian) u know those gorgeous2 island and also requires gorgeous2 money....i dont find going..cause i know if ive no more money..itll come to me if i go find it..hehe..but then theres other people who are less weve decided to go to SUNWAY LAGOON and did u guys know that it has won the best theme park in asia for 4 consecutive great is that..and that tells me ill be having a really awesome time, with awesome friends AND at an awesome2 ive booked the hotel situated near lagoon , walking distance...(imagining us all after a midnight move walking back to our hotel with soft breezes brush over our face...ahhhh   soothing)..
and my latest sorta last minute plan was to hold a bbq at my NILAI the nite bfore we head to lagoon...would be fun...been wanting to do that since first year...imagine how satisfied ill feel if ive managed to do that...great huh....hehe.

lastly, i would like to share my piece ,of is great...u should not stop doing something just because someone say you cant...but in heart u really want to it...i say just go for i always life to the fullest...never let anything brings u down...cause you are too cool to let that happen...
thats all mate...
btw: heres a picture of me saying my lips is pretty just kidding..its saying my mouth too full i cant show my white teeth...hehe (in pakeeza restaurant where my niece got a new name 'SAERAH BANU')


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