Live, Love, Laugh =)

Assalamualaikum everyone.. Moga-moga semuanya sihat2 sentiasa.. Well it is just another friday, I will have day off on friday 4.30pm to be specific (btw : Did I mention that I've started working back in 2 months ago). Just doing training now. Soon will be attached to the department they found me most suitable at. It's been a while since last I updated this blog. I think around like ever since October last year. A lot has happened since then.. I was hurt again for the 3rd time. I can still remember what a complete pain I was in. Of course when you love and trust someone THAT much and they break every single thing that they've promised before, it feel like you're jumping into a free fall without a bed/support underneath to catch you. Everywhere I went, I literally broke down and cried. In the car while driving, the movies, every mall..It was such a nightmare for me. My heart was torn, blended to make it easier to understand how it felt. I loss weight, I don't ...