Boring week
Hello3 has been a real boring week for me..for a start, my sis asked me to stop the digging for a while(well act i still do it)..and the new task for me is to search for song, old song..the one that can get people to get up and prance... When i get bored, i tend to think too much about stuff, like sometime my ex..erttt..that wasnt supposed to happened...hurm...tiny petty things.. a lot of something that makes me think sometime, is that when i look at my FB wall, i saw this person that i wish to forget picture in my friend list..urm, i wish could remove them but it just not particular reason for that..have u ever have the odd moment of yr best friend sorta speak,,didnt reply any of your text..hurm, that can be a bit frustrating..but then who am i to talk about that... I'm very curious of people who talk bad stuff about other people while they themselves isnt any good..ive a very close example..I...