
My DAy starts with a loud rosster sound made by nokia alarm..6.00a.m...and so i wake up did my prayer..then went back to sleep..yeah i was so sleepy due to the bz day the day the crying made me even more tired..
hurmm..what to do i cried easily no matter how hard i try to resist..
 then the alarm went off again at 7.20am..i just had to wake my tired body up and prepare to head to time square..and so i wait for the bus and nearly fell off of it because it moved before i had a chance to get on i used my ultra awesome skill to quickly get on the bus and took my sit..
after for about 5 min on the bus my friend 'he who must not be named called' asking the same thing..and some other things as well..then i reached the ktm to found that the counter is closed, the person went breakfast i i have to patiently use the machine to get my ticket..since i dont have enough change, i can only buy one way ticket..then he asked again, well i just couldnt tell him there and then due to the place i was i got on the train, trying not to think much of i got off the train, i went to buy myself ticket to ukm so i dont have to wait for long cue later..
then, i walked as fast as i could without talking nor smiling to any strangers..i made my way to monorail station,got my ticket and got on it..
as soon as i reached time square, first thing i did was went to the toilet, my waste just got to release themselves..hehe..
then i went to 3rd floor to buy ticket, no change so have to go to 7e next to the counter and get some change..i was lucky enough, the ticket cost me only 7 bucks..wee hoo..
due to the xtra time i have, i mean i reached there at 9.45 for goodness continue, i went to have breakfast,  took me quite sometime to pick between subway and wendy's the end wendy's attracts me..
however, wendy doesn taste that good..
then i have this cheap call celcom offer, so i called my best friend Fatin..and told her lotsa stuff..
went to watch the movie at was bloody of hp ive seen..
cried watching it...sad..really then i just sat there on one of the bench ts provides, and looking blankly at passersby i dont have the mood to shop at all, not just shop but also walk..hmm..i xeven know why i was feeling that..
but im still waiting for my friends to come..and so i walk and walk...and went into esprit, edc..not much interesting clothes..thenwent to fos and saw this cute baby i took it, it was cheap 5 bucks only...
buying it for my cute nephew..couldnt buy for sofea, shes too big..
then i lokk around again and i saw some nice tank top and blouse which i quite like, so tried it on then went straight to pay for those 3 items..worth the money..
at 4.20pm..i tot i saw my cousin, then i look again, she is my cousin..along with her sister and my other cousin too..
4.30pm , my friends finally came..we ate,look around then at about 7.30pm..i have to leave ts..need to rush back to ukm..ohh i forgot..i got myself splash with water in the toilet, because the pressure was really hi and i directed it to the wrong direction..kinda silly though..

time to head sentral, i went into the wrong area and have to ask the police permission to let me out..huhu..malu2..
then i took my ride back to ukm..
took the cab back and in no time, ive already pack my stuff..which is a LOT..
lot to say..hope u guys wouldnt get tired reading them..hauh(YAWNING)..sleepy..


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