
Showing posts from November, 2010


My DAy starts with a loud rosster sound made by nokia alarm..6.00a.m...and so i wake up did my prayer..then went back to sleep..yeah i was so sleepy due to the bz day the day the crying made me even more tired.. hurmm..what to do i cried easily no matter how hard i try to resist..  then the alarm went off again at 7.20am..i just had to wake my tired body up and prepare to head to time square..and so i wait for the bus and nearly fell off of it because it moved before i had a chance to get on i used my ultra awesome skill to quickly get on the bus and took my sit.. after for about 5 min on the bus my friend 'he who must not be named called' asking the same thing..and some other things as well..then i reached the ktm to found that the counter is closed, the person went breakfast i i have to patiently use the machine to get my ticket..since i dont have enough change, i can only buy one way ticket..then he asked again, well i just couldnt tell him ...


BUSY ..i like the sound of it..makes me feel important and makes me realized that im not wasting my time.. people say im crazy..but i prefer to think that im climbing a real tall mountain where above a real lovely place waiting for me to explore... sweetness of success will only be worth it if we do it whole-heartedly.. thats what im doing..what im doing is an obligation,my passion, MY PRECIOUS . .. is normal if u see me busy all the time or at least most of the time.. it just that i cant sit still without doing nothing..i must be either reading,singing,shopping,jogging,cleaning,cooking,and occupying myself with my assignment... to me its a way for me to prepare myself for the future,when i  have my own family,job,hurrmm the responsibility is way is me..its hard for me to change myself..but as long as i love being bz..i xmind people say im crazy...


banyak sebab saya boleh lega  1. baru lepas makan ... burpp. .kenyang(mi ruski u oolss) semerbak satu bilik 2. tamat sudah exam final yang sgt2 very2 mencabarkan otak dan kotak fikiran....sepanjang exam,byk kali jugak kena reload pistol, jadi saintis baru(bak kata mariam)..tapi alhamdullillah untuk kali ni i dont feel sad or disappointed after each of the paper...alhamdullillah.. 3. Lega lepas dah buat keputusan tentang masalah yang membelenggu fikiran, orang yang berkaitan pun sudah seperti melupakan apa yang terjadi jadi, sekali lagi alhamdullillah..kawan tetap kawan dan bukan lawan...semoga beliau akan berjaya menawan apa yang dingini dan puas hati dengan apa yang diusahakan...saya kat sini doakan yang terbaik sahaja.. 4.Lega,sebab plan nak kuar selepas habis je exam xjadi..sebab 1) hujan 2) xcukup kawan..nak kuar 2 je kang apa orang kata...jadi tertangguh la niat nak keluar walaupun tiket dah di booked...esok pagi baru oleh keluar..jadi misi mencari teman yang boleh t...


saya sukakan kesempurnaan  saya sukakan lelaki yang menghormati wanita saya sukakan keluarga bahagia saya sukakan kawan2 yang memahami saya sayangkan keluarga saya saya sayang kawan2 saya saya sayangkan kucing saya saya sayangkan pelajaran saya.. saya suka merapu saya suka ketawa saya suka membuat orang ketawa dan gembira, maka saya suka bila orang yang saya gembira jua..hehe saya suka minum kopi yang rich..(best time nak stay up. increase the blood pressure so bersemangat semacam) saya xsuka orang yang banyak memberi alasan kepada benda yang mudah.. saya xsuka orang yang merokok..tetapi masih boleh berkwan dgn mereka saya xsuka dipermainkan... saya xsuka orang yang hipokrit. banyaknya saya..basically inilah apa yang saya suka dan xsuka.. coretan ini sekadar untuk menghabiskan sedikit masa petang setelah katam kimia polimer sejak 2 hari lalu membaca... hmm..


hmm..malam ni sekali lagi ku menelan bahan kimia(ayat hidayah bani) untuk mengelakkan dari tertidur...disebabkan oleh exam polimer yang dijangka mengerikan.. namun, tak dapat jugak masuk bila membaca sebab pening...pening sebab sisa2 bahan kimia tersebut masih ada dalam badan sebab tiap2 malam meneguknya setiap kali exam menghantui..lalu terdetik untuk menambah dan mengshare cerita disini... sedih.. bila melihat orang yang kita sayang bergaduh sesama sendiri sedih...bila kita xdapat buat apa2 kerana kita rasa dorang nak dengar ke cakap kita ni.. sedih...bila teringat dosa yang dilakukan pada masa lampau ..semakin tua, semakin banyak dosa..adakah akan diterima diriku ini disisiNYA.. sedih...melihat oramg sibuk mengejar kekayaan sehingga tergadai nyawa insan xbersalah.. sedih..melihat binatang teraniaya.. sedih..melihat  manusia dizalimi.. sedih..jika ada perselisihan kaum.. sedih..bila melihat kawan dipermainkan.. sedih...memang banyak perasaan sedih dalam diriku ini.. ta...

not again...

have been friend with this friend of mine for quite some time.. months passed we seem to get closer...maybe it was just my own feeling..after all im a bit emotional... but then last few days he asked me a question that really shocked me, but as usual i kept my cool..and try to answer it rationally... weve talked tru the fon bout it..i know he wasnt thinking straight when he asked me due to some circumstances (thats how he likes to put it)..and weve made some conclusion, that should be the best... i tried to not speak much during the conversation afraid that he might heard something that make him feels guilty.. after that convo..i lied there thinking to myself.... hmm again, it happened..but then this time it isnt going to the direction that might makes thing much more im glad it end up that way.. maybe it is not the time for me to be in that situation.. cause i know, it is going to cause a lot of trouble to a lot of people...