My DAy starts with a loud rosster sound made by nokia alarm..6.00a.m...and so i wake up did my prayer..then went back to sleep..yeah i was so sleepy due to the bz day the day the crying made me even more tired.. hurmm..what to do i cried easily no matter how hard i try to resist.. then the alarm went off again at 7.20am..i just had to wake my tired body up and prepare to head to time square..and so i wait for the bus and nearly fell off of it because it moved before i had a chance to get on i used my ultra awesome skill to quickly get on the bus and took my sit.. after for about 5 min on the bus my friend 'he who must not be named called' asking the same thing..and some other things as well..then i reached the ktm to found that the counter is closed, the person went breakfast i i have to patiently use the machine to get my ticket..since i dont have enough change, i can only buy one way ticket..then he asked again, well i just couldnt tell him ...