Character Moulding and Evolution
I was making tea and as usual my brain thinks about every other million things. And suddenly I thought of this:"what makes me, me?" Okay, I was supposed to continue this last two days but reently I have slept mighty early.. hehe. Too tired during the day could be. Always give my all at work. sampai malam mata ngantuk. Anyhoo, let's continue, Well, the thoughts on the above topic came about because I am very introspective person. I always reflect upon how am I doing today? what is my current emotional and physical state and health? Why am I acting the way I was? And this came to mind. When I analysed and ponder upon it I realised that it has got something to do with my family background and how we were raised, I look at both my mum and dad, I inherited a fair share of both characteristics. Even though, by the law of science, there is no such thing as behavioural inheritance (accept for the criminal genes, where i have came across, when studying forensic science), ...